
"I am your FATHER"

Darth Vader ear rings

My friend invited me to this John Williams concert in TIVOLI , Copenhagen. I was all exited about this! the symphony orchestra would play music from some of my favorite movies and it was goin' to be AWESOME!!!

! The awesome concert poster :D !

I immediately thought of what I was gonna wear and how I could nerd it up because I can't help myself being a fan girl for harry potter and star wars X) SO! I went for the black, Darth Vader groupie look, and I needed some jewelry to go with my fandom.

I decided on trying out a material that I haven't worked with since freaking elementary school. I don't know the english word for it, so I'm gonna hit you with a lovely direct translation: shrink plastic!?

It's this thin plastic sheet you kan draw on, put it in the oven for 4 min. to make it shrink and harden to achieve an acryllic look.

these are the materials I planned to use

but I only used these:
  • shrinking plastic, see-through.
  • pencil + eraser.
  • permanent marker, black.
  • pigment liner 0.5
  • scissors.
  • darth vader print

the see through shrinking plastic has one shiny side and one rough. You draw on the rough side.
I used a pigment liner which isn't ideal for this work, 'cause it kinda blurred out and the edges didn't get as sharp as I wanted them.
Because of that I actually only made one of the earings with this technique, for the other, I just went straight for the permanent marker - this required a steady hand, as the tiny lines was like a third of the thickness of the markers tip.

The result when filled out looks like this! pretty neat IMO!

I made a pair and cut them out like this. I also needed holes in the Vader masks to make them able to dangle from my pretty ears, and I made them with a regular hole-puncher you would use for making holes in paper. I made the hole right at the top of the helmet.

Here comes the hard part! The baking of the shrinking plastic! dun-dun-duuuuun....
The basic guideline is to heat the oven to about 130 ̊ celcius (260 ̊ F) put in your shrinking plastic - colored side up - for 3-4 min.

BUT!! I just want to ad some pointers to that:
  • make sure you are placing your items on a clean surface (in the oven), grease and other stuff will burn into the surface and make it less shiny.
  • keep an eye on your items while they're in the oven - they will curl up a bit, but mos times they will straighten out again
  • when they won't straighten out completely ('cause they won't) you wan't to have a clean surface and a flat clean object to press the items between RIGHT after you take them out of the oven.
And that's it!!!

Here they are all done. I connected two metal hoops between the earring and the helmet.

There were several very cool cosplays at the concert <3

Derpy me in my outfit with the lovely storm troopers.
It was an incredible concert with a lot of great moments from E.T., Jurassic Park, Star Wars, Harry Potter and a bunch of other movies, but the greatest thing of all was that they played the imperial march TWICE!!

Thats all for now ! BYE !

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